every day is a struggle
every day is a struggle
Kroppedal Museum
Kroppedal Museum
The starting point of the exhibition is a large Viking burial ground close to Vridsløsemagle, which museum archaeologists discovered some years ago. Four of the Vikings found are “resurrected” in a mix of fact and fiction in the exhibition, which includes both an animated film and archaeological findings. The audience meets a Viking family, Erik, Astrid, Sif and Halfdan, and their story comprises the unified narrative, which you follow all the way through the exhibition. Along the way, the visitors stay in small, atmospheric cinemas and in themed rooms with objects, texts and scenography. The exhibition is part of the large communication project Vikingebro (“Viking Bridge”), which incorporates the landscape surrounding the museum as part of the complete narrative, including a reconstruction of the world’s longest Viking bridge and road.
The starting point of the exhibition is a large Viking burial ground close to Vridsløsemagle, which museum archaeologists discovered some years ago. Four of the Vikings found are “resurrected” in a mix of fact and fiction in the exhibition, which includes both an animated film and archaeological findings. The audience meets a Viking family, Erik, Astrid, Sif and Halfdan, and their story comprises the unified narrative, which you follow all the way through the exhibition. Along the way, the visitors stay in small, atmospheric cinemas and in themed rooms with objects, texts and scenography. The exhibition is part of the large communication project Vikingebro (“Viking Bridge”), which incorporates the landscape surrounding the museum as part of the complete narrative, including a reconstruction of the world’s longest Viking bridge and road.
“In 2018 and 2019, Kroppedal Museum held the exhibition Hver dag er en Kamp (“Every Day is a Struggle”) in close cooperation with Torden og Lynild. We chose T&L over a more traditional exhibition architect, as we in the exhibition group had discussed the “narrative space” a great deal. Throughout the process, we have been extremely happy about the cooperation. They understood our ideas, had constructive criticism, and were able to play on with the ideas we sent off. T&L has a sharp eye for scenography and created a unified universe. The exhibition had a relatively modest budget, but this was in no way an obstacle, - T&L managed to seize the limited finances as a creative springboard, and it is my firm belief that we have received a great deal for our exhibition money.”
Mads Thernøe, Museums director, Kroppedal Museum
main contractor
main contractor
Torden & Lynild
Torden & Lynild
photos, website
photos website
Ard Jongsma
Ard Jongsma
Heavy (graphic design)
Lystek (lightning design)
Sune Elskær og Tor Fruergaard (animated film)
Jess Wolfsberg (sound design)
Kroppedal Museum (construction)
Heavy (graphic design)
Lystek (lightning design)
Sune Elskær og Tor Fruergaard (animated film)
Jess Wolfsberg (sound design)
Kroppedal Museum (construction)
Behind the scenes
Behind the scenes
Some of the objects that can be seen in the exhibition. The objects were found close to Kroppedal Museum in conjunction with the large Viking burial site, which was excavated here.
Some of the objects that can be seen in the exhibition. The objects were found close to Kroppedal Museum in conjunction with the large Viking burial site, which was excavated here.
From colour scheme work on the exhibition. A great number of colour samples were painted before the right nuances were found
From colour scheme work on the exhibition. A great number of colour samples were painted before the right nuances were found
Sketch of the exhibition flow.
Sketch of the exhibition flow.
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Torden & Lynild
Bygmestervej 2, 2.tv.
2400 København NV
CVR 39290952
Torden & Lynild
Bygmestervej 2, 2.tv.
2400 København NV
CVR 39290952
(+45) 27203593